Sunday, June 28, 2009

Poor Butterfly

We found this poor wounded butterfly. Its poor wing was all mangled.
It let everyone hold it though. It was neat to be able to hold it up close.
Corrin made a funny face right when I took the picture. I think she was afraid it was going to fly away. Even though it couldn't fly.

Kyle got the best picture. He put it over in the flowers after we were done holding it. Poor Butterfly.

Mount Tabor Park

Last weekend we decided to go to Mt. Tabor Park. We had a lot of fun. You can see how well they follow directions. I asked them to stand by this statue and point like the guy. What funny funny kids.
The still couldn't get it right even when I zoomed in.

I love that even at there ages they can still play on the playground. They had a bunch of the old school playground equipment. We had so much fun playing and just being silly.

Look, I love the old teeter totter. Do you remeber how much fun we use to have? They use to be in every park we went to when we were kids.

This is the kids over by the volcano part of the park. I think this is a good representation of my kids personalities.

I thought this was a nice place for a picture. These trees were really neat. I liked how they were raised up like that. They were extremely tall.

Sometimes I wish we could get a family picture with all of us. This was a great day. Lots of good memories.

Pioneer Days

Sorry I put these pictures in wrong this is Renae at Kyles Pioneer Days at school. Corrin also got to come. We got to try some real pioneer food. This was something they would have had on the Oregon Trail. There was beans and corn bread, dried fruit, and jerky.
Kyle was excited to go and show us all the fun things they had been learning about the Oregon Trail.

Kyle got to go on the Oregon Trail with his class. He had to keep a journal of there journey. His group didn't make it they ended up dieing. There wagon train crashed.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lucia Falls

We decided to go somewhere new last weekend. Kyle and I had seen a sign for Lucia Falls when we were at Pomeroy Farm.

It was beautiful. It was just a small falls but very beautiful. It had a nice walking path that went down the river a ways. It was a nice afternoon walk.

This was a great family day. There is nothing better than some great outdoor adventure as a family.

Final Band Concert

Renae had her final band concert of the year. The 6th grade band sounded the best to me.
Renae was all smiles until the end when she didn't recieve an award. I told her not to worry she was outstanding to me.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pool Time!!!!!!!

You can tell by these smiles that our pool is open for the season. We were starting to think it wasn't going to happen. We forgot to cover it at the end of last season. Needless to say it was green and not just a little it was gross. It had lots of things growing in it. All better now. Kyle was first in after Dad.

This is a great picture of Renae. I'm sure she wouldn't be happy if she knew it was here. This is her new swim suit. Very cute.

Corrin was having a great time on the subskate. I don't think you can stay on it very long with out falling off. She kept jumping in and everyone kept yelling at her to stop. She doesn't listen to well.

Micah had everyone playing shark. Which is a game where one person is the shark and you close your eyes and go under water and try to get someone. I think sharks can see just fine but I guess you have to make it harder for the one who is the shark. I was just informed I was calling the game wrong it is called Shark attack. Excuse Me Renae!!!!!!!!!!

Even Roxy got in on the fun. Michael thought it would be nicer to put her on the subskate. She stayed on it just fine. He let go of her at one point in the pool and she can swim. I think she thought it was for her life. After that she wanted out. We had a great day I even got in. There are no pictures of that because I would have to destroy them.