Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Corrin has Braces!!!!!

Well the deed was done today. She has the braces on her teeth. She says they feel really weird. Next week we go in for the bite plate. She picked baby blue and black as her colors. So far so good.

Dani came to visit!!!!!!

Aunt Dani got to come and visit with us. She came for the beach trip to surprise my mom. We got to have her all to ourselfs on friday. My kids absolutely loved it. Dani said she felt a little like a celebrity kind of like Mickey Mouse at Disneyland.
It didn't help that when one wants to do something they all must do it.

Aunt Dani was very patient and loving. I think its why my kids love her so much.

Even Micah had to get in on the fun.

When we got home from the park we went to the craft store. Micah had the model already. He decided he would rather do it than make a spooky picture with felt. Kyle informed us that this craft was girly. He refused to do it.

Later that evening we made cookies and cinnamon rolls. The girls were having a great time cooking with Aunt Dani.

Aunt Dani even let them try on her cool apron. See how nice Corrin stands there.

Renae not so much. What a Dork!!! She is our Dork though. I just realized Corrin is a bit of a Dork in this picture too.

Saturday we got up early and went to the beach. We had such a good time. I think this was one of my all time favorite beach trips. I love my mom and sisters so much and I'm really glad that we do this every year.

We ended the day with a little Beatles RockBand. We all became Beatles and rocked late into the night.(o.k it was 1:00 am but that is very late for me). We had a great visit with Aunt Dani. Corrin asked her if she could just live with us and Uncle Bob could live with his family. She said Heather could come live with us too. I think Corrin was the most sad to see Aunt Dani go. I told her we will just look forward to when she comes and stays again.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Back to School!!!!!!!

If kyles face doesn't say it all. He was so excited to go back to school. I made it so much better by asking him to pose for this picture. They look just like they stepped out of the eightys.

Kyle picked out this outfit all by himself. His favorite part is his skinny jeans. I love the green and white shoe laces.

Well what can I say it is a blonde punky brewster. This was her favorite outfit out of what she got. She had to have those shoes.

Renae is now closer to a teenager then I would like her to be. This is Renaes new style. Remember when Renae liked all the girly things. Not anymore. She is now a rockstar.

This is a classic picture pose now. Renae did not want to take it because her hair wasn't done yet.

Mr. Freshman. I think this is the most nerves I have ever seen Micah on a first day. I think he was afraid he might get lost.